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Stimulants Abuse And Addiction

From prescription pills to street drugs, it knows no bounds
Across the globe, stimulant abuse continues to impact countless individuals, as they grapple with the misuse of legal prescriptions and illegal substances. At Miracles Asia, we offer guests a results focused stimulants addiction treatment program that has a proven success rate since 2017.
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Stimulant abuse is a growing problem that affects millions of people around the world.ย 

While some stimulants are legal and prescribed for medical purposes to treat conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or narcolepsy, others are illegal and highly addictive, such as cocaine which can require the individual to seek help from a drug use rehab if their addiction takes hold of their life.

Even commonly used substances like caffeine and nicotine can become potentially harmful if abused, as they possess the same addictive qualities as other stimulants.

The misuse of stimulants can have serious physical, mental, and social consequences and can lead to long-term health problems or even death.

According to data from the 2015 and 2016 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health, 5 million adult Americans misused prescription stimulants.

Tragically, in 2021 alone, an estimated 32,537 people died from an overdose involving methamphetamine, and 1.6 million people had a methamphetamine use disorder.

This article will provide an in-depth look at the nature of stimulant abuse and addiction, the different stimulants used, and the effects these types of addictionย can have on an individual.

We will also discuss available treatment options for those struggling with stimulant addiction.

Key Takeaways
Stimulants work by increasing neurotransmitter levels, leading to enhanced mood and energy.
Misuse of stimulants can have severe physical, mental, and social consequences.
Miracles Asia is the leading addiction treatment center in Thailand that offers programs in 30, 60 or 90 day options.

What Are Stimulants?

The first step to addressing stimulant abuse is understanding what stimulants are. Stimulants come under many guises, from prescription medications to illegal drugs. But what they share in common is that they all produce a stimulating effect on the body and mind to varying degrees.

What Is a Stimulant Drug?

Stimulant drugs are often used to improve cognitive performance or treat medical conditions, so they have a valid medical purpose in most cases. However, when used recreationally or excessively, this type of psychoactive drug can quickly lead to substance abuse or addiction.

The effects of stimulants brought on the streets can be unpredictable and dangerous. Stimulants bought from illicit sources may be mixed with other substances, such as fillers or drugs of different potency, which can have serious health repercussions for the user.

How Do Stimulants Work?

The primary action of stimulants is on the central nervous system (CNS). Stimulants act on the CNS by increasing levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin in the brain. 

These neurotransmitters help regulate mood, attention, memory, and behavior. When a person takes a stimulant like caffeine or amphetamine (Adderall), it increases the release and inhibits the reuptake of these neurotransmitters resulting in increased energy and alertness.

The signs of stimulant abuse can include physical changes in the body, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, pupil dilation, and increased sweating. 

Some people may experience jitteriness or anxiety as well.

These physical and mental effects can be both pleasant and unpleasant, depending on the individual and their level of tolerance for stimulants. 

Unfortunately, this often leads to misuse as people attempt to reach a certain high by abusing these substances. The motivation to repeat the experience can subsequently cause addiction.

Types of Stimulants

Stimulant drugs come in many forms, from legal prescription medications to illegally manufactured street drugs. However, there is some overlap; for instance, the FDA categorizes Amphetamines as Schedule II controlled substances due to their high potential for abuse and addiction. 

So, for example, while Adderall can be used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and obesity, it can also be abused by those with prescriptions and those who obtain it illegally.

Prescription Stimulants

Prescription stimulant medications are legal drugs that have been prescribed by a doctor and are used to treat several medical conditions, including:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 
Stimulants can help improve concentration, attention, and impulsivity in individuals with ADHD.
Stimulants can help combat the excessive daytime sleepiness that is a symptom of narcolepsy.
Stimulants are sometimes used as an adjunct treatment for depression when other antidepressant medications have been ineffective.
Some stimulants have been approved for short-term use to treat obesity by suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism.
The most common prescription stimulants include Adderall, Ritalin, and Dexedrine. These drugs are usually taken orally and tend to have few side effects when used as directed.

Illicit Stimulants

These are what are known as 'street drugs', illegal and uncontrolled substances that are not prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. Stimulant drug abuse and addiction to these types of illicit substances are widespread, and because there are no checks or measures in place, they can be dangerous and even deadly.

Illegal stimulants can be snorted, injected, or smoked and are more powerful than their prescription counterparts. Commonly abused illicit stimulants include cocaine, crystal meth, ecstasy or Molly (MDMA), and 'bath salts' such as mephedrone.

Over-the-counter Stimulants

Chances are that you have taken over-the-counter stimulants at some point in your life. Caffeine, for instance, is the most widely used drug in the world and can be found in coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, and various supplements.

Another common OTC stimulant is nicotine which, though waning in use in the US, is still widely available in the form of cigarettes and vaping products.


Adderall is a widely prescribed medication used to treat ADHD. It helps to increase attention and minimize impulsive behavior. Adderall is an amphetamine salt combination that contains four different types of amphetamine salts: aspartate monohydrate, dextroamphetamine sulfate, dextroamphetamine saccharate, amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, and amphetamine sulfate.

Though it has proven to be an effective treatment for individuals with ADHD,ย Adderall abuseย is becoming increasingly common among young adults and college students who donโ€™t have the disorder.

Often labeled as a 'smart drug,' they view it as a way to improve their cognitive performance while studying. Regrettably, many underestimate the negative effects of misusing Adderall, such as addiction and psychological issues.


Caffeine has to be the most famous stimulant in the world, and many of us find it hard to function before our morning coffee. Caffeine is also found in tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, and chocolate. When consumed in moderation, we can benefit from its positive effects, such as increased alertness, extended wakefulness, and boosted energy levels.

However, over-consumption of caffeine can lead to adverse reactions such as anxiety, restlessness, headaches, and insomnia. 

Increased heart rate and the jitters are also common side effects of too much caffeine. Along with that comes increased heart rate as well as the jitters - all telltale signs of having too much caffeine than necessary.


Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant harvested from the leaves of the coca plant. It's typically snorted, but it can be dissolved in water or injected, producing a potent but short-lived high.ย 

Unfortunately, due to its reputation as a party drug, it's easy for people to fall into the cycle of abuse and addiction before they realize what has happened.

Generally, users will feel euphoric and confident after taking cocaine. But, this feeling of euphoria comes with several short-term side effects, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, insomnia, agitation, and paranoia.ย 

Prolonged usage is even more dangerous, with the risk of lung damage, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, psychological symptoms, and overdosing as a real possibility.

Cocaine addictionย is a serious concern that can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental well-being.

Crack Cocaine

In addition to the powder form of Cocaine, there is also the freebase form, known as crack cocaine. Crack is a crystalized version of cocaine and produces an intense, short-lived high that leaves users craving more shortly after it wears off. The adverse effects are much the same as powder cocaine, only more pronounced and far more dangerous due to its higher potency.


Concerta is a prescription medication, much like Adderall, used to treat ADHD. The difference is that it comes in an extended-release form, so patients only need one dose per day instead of having to take several throughout the course of twenty-four hours.

Nevertheless, you should be aware that this drug can become habit-forming, and it's essential that it is taken solely when prescribed by a doctor or health professional who will provide guidance on the appropriate dosage to use.


Dexedrine, also known as Dextroamphetamine, is another prescription stimulant primarily used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. Used by American military personnel during WWII, to help them stay alert in the field, it's now seen as a smart drug used by college students and tech workers to boost productivity.

However, like most prescription stimulants, when taken without medical supervision, Dexedrine can be addictive and induce adverse effects.

Diet Pills

Addiction to diet pills is a very real phenomenon, and many don't see the harm in using a pill to shift a few pounds. But there's a downside to taking these kinds of stimulantsโ€”namely, their potential for abuse and dependence if used for extended periods.

Unfortunately, a variety of compounds are found in diet pills, some with stimulant effects akin to amphetamines.

Ecstasy (MDMA)

MDMA stands for 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, more commonly known as Ecstasy or Molly. Unlike some of the other illicit drugs discussed here, MDMA is also known for its potential hallucinogenic effects, even though it is still classified as a stimulant.

Ecstasy is a synthetic drug that came into the spotlight during the rave culture of the 1980s and has remained popular as a social drug for its ability to make the user feel energized and euphoric.

The biggest danger when using ecstasy comes from overdosing on the drug, which can lead to coma and even death in extreme cases. Long-term ecstasy use has been linked to liver damage, memory loss, and decreased cognitive abilities over time due to neurotoxicity caused by the drug's active ingredients.


A drug that has recently gained notoriety in the United States is Flakka (alpha-PVP), also known as 'gravel' and the 'zombie drug,' it has been linked to a number of violent incidents and deaths. It's usually found as small white or pink crystals described as resembling aquarium gravel.

Flakka is a stimulant with effects similar to Cocaine and Bath Salts, only much more powerful. It can produce an intense euphoria in its user, increased physical strength, and enhanced sexual drive.

Adverse effects associated with taking Flakka can include confusion and paranoia, hallucinations, agitation and panic attacks, aggression, heart palpitations, chest pains, and difficulty breathing.

Flakka has a short half-life, so its effects wear off quickly, leading users to take frequent doses of the drug to keep feeling its effects. This leads people down a dangerous path where they become addicted and may be unable to stop taking the drug even when they want to. It also has very severe withdrawal symptoms, so if you believe you or someone else is addicted to Flakka, it's crucial to get help from an addiction specialist as soon as possible.


Khat is a plant native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula; in some countries, like Somalia and Yemen, khat is a legal stimulant that has been used for centuries. The leaves of the plant contain cathinone, an amphetamine-like substance, and are traditionally chewed or made into a tea to produce a stimulant effect.

When consumed, it increases alertness and energy levels while decreasing hunger and fatigue. As such, it has been used by Somali and Yemenee farmers to help them stay awake during long days of work in the fields.

Khat is an illegal substance in the United States and is classified as a Schedule I drug due to its potential for abuse. While not as prevalent as other illicit stimulants, it can still be found in certain communities, usually among immigrants from countries where khat is still legal.

Long-term use of Khat can lead to physical and psychological dependence and have a negative toll on the body and mind. Physical effects include liver and kidney damage, elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, and nausea. Psychological effects may include depression, anxiety, aggression, paranoia, hallucinations, and psychotic behavior.

Meth (Methamphetamine)

Methamphetamine, also referred to as Meth, Ice, or Cream, is a powerful stimulant drug with a high potential for abuse and addiction. Illegal labs produce meth in powder and crystal form.

By adding flavors like chocolate and strawberry to the powder, Cream is made - a product that replicates ice cream in taste appealing to young users.

Crystal Meth is especially addictive and can produce intense cravings for the drug even after just one use. The powdered form is usually swallowed, snorted, and injected, while Crystal Meth is usually smoked.

As with other drugs, such as cocaine, that affect the central nervous system, users will feel a powerful rush of energy and intense euphoria, but with Meth, this feeling lasts much longer.

These short-term effects come with many potentially serious long-term consequences, such as addiction, hallucinations, violence, paranoia, organ damage, and, in the most extreme cases, death.

Meth users often go on binges where they take the drug for several days without sleep or food in order to keep feeling its effects. This can lead to extreme exhaustion and malnutrition, which further weakens their already fragile mental state.

Withdrawal from meth varies from person to person but can be challenging, as it often involves serious cravings, depression, fatigue, and anxiety.ย Meth addictionย poses a significant risk to individuals' health and well-being.


Though nicotine is perfectly legal, we've seen the warnings on tobacco product packaging, and we've heard horror stories about it being as addictive as heroin. Even with new products like vapors or e-cigarettes that claim to be less addictive, nicotine is still the go-to ingredient and can still be incredibly harmful.

Nicotine stimulates the body's reward system and creates feelings of pleasure for the user. It also can increase alertness and improve cognitive function; for this reason, many non-smokers are drawn to products that contain nicotine.

But it's highly addictiveโ€”often more so than alcohol or other drugs of abuseโ€”and when used over a long period, it can lead to chronic health problems like heart disease and lung cancer.

Quitting is difficult, but it is possible with the right strategy and support.


Ritalin is one of the brand-name Prescription drugs (as is Concerta) that use the stimulant methylphenidate to treat ADHD and, in some cases, narcolepsy.

While Ritalin is generally considered safe with a low risk for abuse when taken as prescribed by a doctor, there are potential risks associated with long-term use or misuse of the drug. 

If someone stops taking Ritalin abruptly after long-term use, they may experience withdrawal symptoms which can last for weeks or months afterward.

Effects of Stimulant Abuse

Short-Term Effects

Stimulate effects over the short term might include:
Increased alertness and wakefulness
Anxiety, irritability, and agitation
Loss of appetite and weight loss
Rapid heart rate and increased blood pressure
Insomnia, restlessness, tremors, or twitching
Paranoia, delusions, hallucinations
Psychotic behavior

Short-Term Effects

Long-term misuse of stimulants can cause:
Dependence on the drug leading to addiction
Significant changes in brain chemistry resulting in impaired mental functioning
Cardiovascular damage
Possible organ damage

Treatment for Stimulant Addiction

Substance abuse treatment has evolved over the years with a range of options, natural and pharmaceutical, available to help people with stimulant addiction.

It should be noted that there are no one-size-fits-all treatment options; your course of action may involve medication, behavioral therapy, or a combination of both.

Counseling and support groups are invaluable resources to help individuals manage their addiction and make lasting lifestyle changes. A range of holistic approaches, such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and nutrient-dense diets, can also be beneficial for recovery from stimulant abuse.

In Conclusion

If you or someone close to you is struggling with stimulant addiction, it's essential that you take action immediately. With the right treatment plan and support system in place, a full recovery from substance abuse is possible.

At Miracles Asia, our drug and alcohol rehab center, situated on a peaceful and tropical island of Phuket, can provide you with the resources and support you need to make lasting changes.

With a success rate of over 85% Miracles Asia is leading rehab in Thailand for help with overcoming addiction. We offer tailored inpatient programs using evidence-based therapies to help our guests overcome their addictions and make lasting and meaningful changes in their life. What makes us different is the commitment to all clients that extends beyond their stay with us - with lifetime free access to all morning and evening meetings, as well as our team being available anytime, you or your loved one are more than just a number to us.

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