Miracles Asia - Thailand Rehab
Miracles Asia - Addiction Recovery
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Mixing Alcohol And Marijuana: Dangers

It's like driving a car with flat tyres
Alcohol and marijuana are two of the most commonly consumed drugs on the planet, but when mixed, they can lead to dangerous outcomes. Miracles Asia is Thailand's leading drug & alcohol addiction treatment center that has a proven track record of success since opening in 2017.

Table of Contents

Alcohol and marijuana can both seem like harmless substances when consumed individually or even together. Almost everyone knows someone who consumes these substances in an apparently harmless way. This kind of outlook often makes the hidden dangers of these substances hard to spot.

Being informed about the risks of mixing drugs and alcohol is the best way to avoid the potential dangers. It can also help you to become more aware of when your consumption is getting out of hand or becoming riskier.

Cannabis use and heavy alcohol use affect the mind and body in ways we might not be able to predict - that's why it's important to take stock of your alcohol consumption and get help if you feel like it is getting out of control.
Key Takeaways
Mixing alcohol and marijuana can lead to unpredictable and dangerous outcomes, including increased mental impairment and substance use disorders.
Treating alcohol and marijuana addiction requires a holistic approach to address physical and emotional dependence, as well as any underlying mental health conditions.
Miracles Asia offers personalized treatment programs that incorporate are designed to get to the root cause of the guests addiction, as well as provide them with techniques that ensure a long-lasting recovery.

What Are the Effects of Mixing Weed and Alcohol?

The effects of both weed and alcohol are unpredictable enough when consumed individually. Drinking alcohol can affect you differently based on a huge number of factors, even if you consume it regularly. By also smoking weed or consuming edible forms at the same time, you increase the risk factors of both of the substances.

It's important to bear in mind that when you mix alcohol with marijuana use, you will experience more mental impairment than you would when consuming either substance individually. You're also more likely to develop a substance use disorder when combining alcohol with another substance.

This is likely due to alcohol increasing the amount of blood and plasma cannabinoids present than when cannabis is consumed alone. The most important of these cannabinoids when it comes to impairment - THC can make consuming too much alcohol a much bigger problem than it otherwise would be.

THC is the compound in the cannabis plant that produces the signature 'high' effect, but it is also thought to be responsible for the negative impact on someone's focus and judgment. In addition, a high level of THC in the blood has been linked to the potential negative psychological consequences of getting high such as anxiety and paranoia.

These combined effects make unpredictability and danger the hallmarks of combining cannabis products with alcohol. On top of this, long-term cannabis use has consistently been shown to have negative effects on memory and attention - inevitably leading to poorer outcomes in social and economic functioning.

These effects on cognitive functioning are consistently correlated with the duration of cannabis consumption in terms of years. To prevent this kind of damage to normal brain functioning, it's important to limit your use of cannabis as soon as possible, ideally stopping the use altogether. If this sounds like it would be impossible for you, it's likely you have a substance use disorder - making it all the more important to reach out for help.

The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Weed

Both alcohol and marijuana can negatively impact your ability to make good decisions. Combining them can intensify this effect and cause you to act in careless or improper ways.

This can have a huge range of negative consequences when it comes to managing your personal relationships, as well as in relation to dangers such as driving while under the influence.

An increased risk of acting recklessly can mean engaging in other risky behavior such as unsafe sex, excessive gambling, or consuming other substances. This leads to an increased risk of causing harm to yourself and others.

In the Short Term

Alcohol can make you consume more weed than you otherwise might, and weed can make you consume more alcohol than you otherwise might. This leaves you with an increased risk of your blood alcohol levels getting high enough to cause alcohol poisoning.

Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency that can be fatal if left untreated. If you suspect you or someone you know may be experiencing alcohol poisoning, you should call emergency medical services immediately.

On the other hand, it is also well known that mixing alcohol and marijuana means that more THC is absorbed into the bloodstream than when consuming marijuana alone. This is especially the case when consuming edibles, as listed dosages can be unreliable and lead to you getting much more 'high' than was intended.

This can also make poor decision-making, like driving while impaired, an even greater risk to yourself and others. Studies have shown that combining the two substances has a heightened effect on the number of mistakes that are made while driving. The combination of cannabis and alcohol is one of the most commonly detected after car accidents in the US.

Driving should never be attempted while under the influence of either alcohol or marijuana.

In the Long Term

The long-term negative health consequences of both alcohol and marijuana can increase when the substances are combined. With high doses or over a long-enough period of time, mixing weed and alcohol can cause major damage to your mental and physical health.

Studies have shown that marijuana abuse can lead to long-term impairment in decision-making, and risk-taking, as well as a decrease in inhibition and an increase in impulsivity. When combined with alcohol, this harm to cognitive functioning can lead to a deadly spiral of bad decision-making and poor physical health.

A 2017 review found that the co-use of alcohol and marijuana is associated with "additive performance impairment effects, higher and more frequent consumption levels, increased social and behavioral consequences such as driving while impaired, and greater likelihood of experiencing comorbid substance use and mental health disorders".

Your Mental Health

Although more research in this area is needed, mixing weed and alcohol is thought to be associated with a higher risk of developing mental health conditions such as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

Alcohol or marijuana use, especially when combined, can also be a sign that someone is self-medicating in order to relieve underlying mental health problems such as anxiety disorders or PTSD. Heavy cannabis users often need help to bring an end to their substance abuse in a supportive and controlled environment.

From this point, mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, trauma, and more can be addressed in a way that gives someone the knowledge and tools they need to establish long-lasting sobriety.

Long-Term Physical Health Risks

The long-term health risks of drinking alcohol in large quantities are well known - liver damage, heart disease, cancer, stomach problems, and brain damage. Combining alcohol with smoking cannabis can mean you are less able to control your drinking habits.

When dependent on alcohol, stopping abruptly can also present a set of new health risks due to alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and seizures. This makes it all the more important to bring your drinking under control in a safe setting such as a medical detox program.

Decreased Cognitive Function

Both alcohol and marijuana can negatively impact your ability to make good decisions. Combining them can intensify this effect and cause you to act in careless or improper ways.

This can have a huge range of negative consequences when it comes to managing your personal relationships, as well as in relation to dangers such as driving while under the influence.

An increased risk of acting recklessly can mean engaging in other risky behavior such as unsafe sex, excessive gambling, or consuming other substances. This leads to an increased risk of causing harm to yourself and others.

How to Handle a Bad Reaction

Although possibly hard to hear, it has to be said that the easiest way to avoid a bad reaction to mixing weed and alcohol is to not consume them in the first place.

With that being said, if you do experience a bad reaction to combining weed with other substances, including alcohol, it's important to stop consuming them immediately. Following that, try to find a safe place to relax, ideally with a safe and trusted friend.

If someone is experiencing a bad reaction to mixing alcohol with other substances, it's important for them to be monitored for signs of alcohol poisoning, such as confusion, severely slurred speech, vomiting, slow breathing, blue-tinged skin caused by low body temperature, and unconsciousness.

If you suspect there is a risk that someone could be experiencing alcohol poisoning, medical help should be sought immediately as it can be life-threatening.

If you find yourself frequently experiencing this type of bad reaction, you could be experiencing alcohol addiction and dependence, making it important to seek help quickly.

Treating Weed and Alcohol Addiction

Any kind of drug abuse or alcohol abuse can be a sign of an underlying mental health disorder. These behaviors also make it more likely that you will develop or exacerbate existing mental illness.

Without intervention, regularly drinking alcohol or combining weed and alcohol in large quantities could lead to serious consequences and can ultimately be life-threatening.

At Miracles Asia, we assist people wanting help for substance abuse disorders, including alcohol and marijuana addiction, to reclaim control over their lives and their destinies. 

If you or someone you know is combining alcohol with other substances, such as by smoking weed, get in touch with us today to discuss the range of professional treatment options that could be right for you or your loved one.
We take a holistic approach to helping our clients through alcohol withdrawal and recovery - our inpatient treatment programs include traditional medical detox and rehab facilities that aim to resolve physical dependence on substances alongside a range of services that offer emotional support and treat underlying mental health conditions.

This bespoke approach, in combination with our aftercare program, helps us to support our clients long after they leave our facility. As a result of our dedication to the long-term sobriety of those who come under our care, we also offer a month of free treatment to those who suffer the pain of relapse within a year of leaving Miracles Asia.

Our team of highly trained specialists has a wealth of experience helping people to attain and maintain sobriety from a huge range of the most commonly used substances and behavioral addictions. We believe there is no better place to recover from addiction than our state-of-the-art facility located on the tranquil island of Phuket, Thailand.

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