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What Are Different Types Of Addiction?

They impact us in unique ways, but all can be conquered
As a complicated condition that affects the brain, addiction can alter our thought processes, emotions, as well as our actions with substances and unhealthy behaviors. At Miracles Asia, our residential rehab program is designed to get to the root cause of what started you, or your loved one, on the current destructive path.
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Addiction is a complex disease that affects the brain. It changes how you think, feel, and act. You can become addicted to substances, such as drugs or alcohol. In fact, the most common types of addiction by far are drug and alcohol addictions.

However, addiction is not just limited to the use of substances that provide a high or a euphoric feeling. You can also become addicted to behaviors or activities that provide you with a sense of pleasure, such as pornography and gambling. 

Some people get addicted to the process of achieving something, like winning awards or getting good grades.

The main point is that addiction is a complex condition that changes the way your brain works and changes your behavior. On top of that, addiction is often accompanied by other mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety. In fact, research shows that there are certain mental disorders that fuel addiction, such as chronic stress.

The problem with addiction, no matter the type of addiction, is that it can cause all manner of problems. It can ruin relationships, cause financial issues, and even lead to legal troubles. 

Worse still, addiction can cause physical problems, such as an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. In other words, it is a complex disease that should be taken lightly.
Key Takeaways
There are two main types of addiction: substance (e.g., drugs, alcohol) and behavioral (e.g., gambling, pornography).
Addiction can be caused by various factors such as genetics, environment, trauma, and mental health disorders like chronic stress, depression, and anxiety.
Recognizing the signs of addiction, and seeking appropriate treatment are crucial steps towards a successful recovery.

Types of Addiction

There are many different types of addiction, but most fall into one of two categories, which are Substance addiction and Behavioral addiction. You can find detailed information on each of these topics below:

Substance Addiction

Substance addiction or substance use disorder is a condition where the body becomes dependent on an addictive substance.

The adaptation causes intense cravings for the substance and a strong desire to continue using it. In addition to the body’s adjustment, physical addiction also involves changes in brain chemistry that can lead to withdrawal symptoms when an addict stops using their substance of choice.

The most common physical addictions include:
Drug Addiction
This can be an addiction to cocaine, heroin, meth, or other illegal drugs like cannabis. It can also be an addiction to prescription drugs like Benzodiazepines , OxyContin, Lyrica, Tramadol, Vicodin, or others.

Alcohol Addiction
Whether it be beer, liquor, or wine. Usually, this involves drinking large amounts of alcohol regularly over a long period of time.

Causes of Substance Abuse Disorder

There are many causes of substance abuse, including:
The desire to escape from problems
People who suffer from substance abuse may use addictive substances to escape problems such as work or/and home-related issues, health issues, and financial issues.

Family history of addiction
If a person has a family member who is an addict, then that person is more likely to become an addict as well.

Peer pressure
Some people may have friends who are addicted to substances, and they may feel pressured to use these substances as well.

The desire for fun
Some people just want to have a good time and think that using drugs or alcohol will help them do so.

Some people inherit genes that make them more likely to become addicted than others.

People who live in a place where drug or alcohol abuse is common are more likely to become addicted.

Biological factors
Some people may have brain chemistry that makes them more likely than others to become addicted.

A history of trauma, such as abuse or neglect, can lead to addiction.

Mental health issues
People who have chronic stress, depression, or anxiety more often develop addictions than those who do not. This is commonly called Dual Diagnosis and can be a core reason why addicts continue to repeat the cycle of addiction, as the underlying or root cause of the issue is not diagnosed or treated correctly. 

Top 5 Signs of Substance Abuse Disorders

The signs and symptoms of addiction to substances can vary from person to person, depending on the type of substance you're addicted to. In general, most people who have an addiction struggle with:
Cravings for their substance of choice (whether that's alcohol, cocaine, or prescription drugs).

Changes in mood and behaviors when they try to stop using the substance.

A desire to use more and more of the addictive substance in order to get high.

Problems functioning at work, home, or school because of their substance use.

Continued use of the substance despite negative consequence, while being incapable or ashamed to about asking for help from family or loved ones.

Behavioral Addiction

Psychological addiction also referred to as behavioral addiction, is a condition in which someone develops an unhealthy relationship with a behavior or activity.

The behavior may be considered normal by society, but for the individual, it becomes a compulsion that is hard to stop and can interfere with daily functioning.

Examples of some common behavioral addictions include:
Food addiction.
Internet addiction.
Shopping addiction.
Work addiction.
Gaming addiction.
These types are just as destructive as substance addictions, but they are often harder to identify as they often part of the individuals daily life.

Psychological addiction is different from physical addiction in that it does not cause physical withdrawal symptoms when you stop the behavior or activity. However, psychological addiction can be just as powerful as drug addiction and even more difficult to overcome.

Top 5 Causes of Behavioral Abuse Disorders

People with impulse control disorder (ICD) are more likely to experience behavioral addictions. This is because they lack impulse control and are unable to regulate their behaviors.

They are also more likely to have pre-existing conditions that can lead to behavioral addictions, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

This doesn't mean that only people with these disorders are prone to developing behavioral addictions. There are other causes of behavioral addiction, and they include:
Family history of behavioral addictions.
A traumatic event or series of events.
A mental health disorder such as.
A stressful life event or a change in your life, such as losing a job.
Family issues, like divorce or the death of a loved one.
Most people can develop a behavioral addiction if they engage in the behavior long enough and at high enough levels. It’s also common for individuals with impulse control disorder (ICD) to develop a substance use disorder, such as drug abuse.

Signs and Symptoms of Behavioral Addictions

Behavioral addictions can be difficult to diagnose because they don’t cause physical symptoms like other types of addictions. You may not even realize that you have an addiction until someone points it out to you or you experience negative consequences from the behavior.

However, there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate a behavioral addiction:
You engage in the activity compulsively, even though doing so brings problems into your life (like missed work or school).

You feel like your moods are dependent on whether or not you engage in the behavior.

You feel an intense craving for the activity when you try to stop doing it.

You experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop doing the activity, such as irritability.

You use the activity as a way to cope with stress or negative emotions, such as loneliness or boredom.

You lose interest in other activities that were previously important to you.

Treatment For Behavioral Addictions

Treatment for addiction can include a combination of different therapies, depending on the severity of the addiction. Some people may require continued treatment, especially those who have experienced multiple relapses and are dealing with a severe addiction.

Addiction treatment for substance abuse aims to help individuals address the underlying causes of their addiction, as well as reduce the severity of their symptoms. The same applies for behavioral addictions like compulsive stealing, gambling, and sex addiction. If a person is unable to stop their addictive behavior on their own, they may need treatment to help them quit.

Treatment for addiction is based on the individual's needs and situation. There are many treatment options available, including:

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication is more commonly used to treat substance addiction, such as alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. Some are used in combination with one another, depending on the drug or disorder in question. Medications used for addiction treatment can include:
Naltrexone (brand name Vivitrol) 
This is a medication that blocks the effects of opioids in the brain. It's usually prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for heroin or prescription painkiller addicts who have been detoxed.

Buprenorphine (brand name Subutex)
This is used in place of methadone because it has milder side effects and doesn't require daily administration in an office setting.

Acamprosate (brand name Campral) 
This is used to help reduce cravings and prevent relapse in people with alcohol dependence. It's often prescribed in conjunction with psychotherapy or support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

Varenicline (brand name Chantix) 
This is an aid for smokers who want to quit. This medication works by reducing the pleasurable effects of nicotine and curbing cravings for cigarettes.
When it comes to medical treatment for behavioral addictions, given that it's a compulsive behavior, there are no known medications that can help. However, if the behavior addiction is caused by depression or anxiety, a doctor may recommend certain medications to help with the particular issue.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is generally the treatment of choice for behavioral addictions. It involves working with a therapist who will help you understand the underlying issues that may be causing your addiction.

Behavioral therapy is a large component of the psychoeducation classes included with the Miracles Asia inpatient program, which is leading mental health retreat in Thailand.

which include things like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on changing unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors by changing how you think about yourself and your situation.

It aims to help you recognize and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior that may be contributing to your addiction. It also helps you develop healthy coping strategies so that you can effectively manage stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.

Behavioral therapy may be used in conjunction CBT, group therapy, self-help groups, and family therapy, and it may include:
Cognitive restructuring
This helps you change your thoughts about a situation to improve your mood and reduce stress. For example, if you feel like nothing will ever be right in your life again because of an addiction, this therapy can help you identify the irrational thoughts that are causing this feeling and replace them with more positive ones.

Various types of relaxation techniques can help you to manage your stress levels and reduce anxiety. Techniques include meditation, deep breathing exercises, taking a warm bath or hot shower, using visualization to calm yourself down when feeling stressed and more.

Problem solving
This helps you identify problems in your life and come up with solutions for each one. For example, if you have a problem with binge drinking and eating when stressed, this therapy can help you identify what stresses you out and find alternate ways to cope with those feelings.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is designed for people who don’t need to be in an intensive residential treatment program. It allows the addict to continue their daily life while receiving the care they need.

This treatment is used for people who have an addiction to alcohol but don’t need medical detox and treatment for other co-occurring disorders. Or it may be used for people who are dealing with a milder form of addiction and want to continue living at home while receiving treatment. It's also a good option for those who can't afford to go through intensive treatment.

Outpatient treatment offers many of the same benefits as residential programs, including access to therapy and medical care. It might also include groups or workshops that help you learn new coping skills and stay sober.

In addition, some programs may offer nutrition, meditation or yoga classes to help you cope with stress and deal with cravings for alcohol or food. Outpatient therapy involves meeting with a therapist at a set time and place once or twice a week, depending on the treatment program.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is when an addict lives at a facility for their addiction. This can be an effective option if they've tried other forms of therapy and they haven’t worked, or if they need more intensive treatment than what outpatient or individual therapy provide.

Inpatient treatment is beneficial because it allows the addict to focus on their recovery with minimal distraction. They are away from home, work, and other responsibilities that might cause them to slip back into old habits.

Treatment providers also offer a structured environment where the addict can focus on recovery. There are programs, classes and activities to attend every day, which means that there is no time for boredom or temptation. Inpatient facilities usually provide food and lodging for those who stay at the center, so family members don’t have to worry about providing these necessities.

Usually, these programs last anywhere between 30-90 days, depending on the person's needs, but can sometimes be longer. es don’t need to worry about providing these things.


Self-help programs are also an option for addicts and their families. These programs are not as structured as other types of treatment, but they can still be highly effective at helping people recover from addiction and addictive behaviors.

They usually involve a combination of group therapy, individual counseling, and family meetings. The goal is to provide support for those suffering from addiction so they can get back on track with their lives.

The biggest advantage of self-help programs is that they are very cost-effective. They don’t require intensive monitoring or supervision by a doctor or therapist, so they can be done at home.

Support Groups

Support groups help people recover from addiction by providing a safe space to talk about their struggles, receive advice from others who have gone through similar experiences, and practice healthy behaviors that can help them stay sober.

These groups are usually organized by a professional or community leader who has experience with addiction and recovery. The meetings are designed to provide support for individuals in recovery, as well as their family members.

Support groups can be very effective if people take advantage of them, but they only work if they attend regularly. A few different types of support groups most treatment centers provide include:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
These meetings are open to anyone who wants to stop drinking, and they're run by people who want to be sober themselves. They give members a chance to talk about their struggles, share their experiences, and learn how to stay sober together.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings
These meetings are free and confidential, and they are open to anyone who has struggled with drug use or dependency.

Al-Anon meetings 
These meetings are open to family members or friends of people who suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction. They give these loved ones a chance to share their experiences, learn how to cope with their loved one's problem, and support each other as they work through it together.

SMART Recovery meetings 
This is a program that helps people learn how to change their thinking patterns through research-based tools that are easy to use and effective.

Wrapping Up

People with addictive behaviors may not always be able to see the problem they have or how to fix it. While some accept they need help and are willing to seek treatment, others require the intervention of family, friends, or even the legal system in order to get the help they need.

If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction or co-occurring mental health issues, it’s important to remember that you are not alone.

There are many resources available, including support groups and inpatient treatment like the one Miracles Asia offers which is leading drug rehab in Thailand that boasts a 85% success rate for long term clients.

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