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Choosing An Addiction Treatment Center

What to ask when you're ready to begin your recovery
Starting treatment for an Adderall addiction is a courageous step towards healing and a better life. Remember that recovery is a journey, and it's okay to take your time to heal and grow. Keep pushing forward, and have faith in yourself and the process.
Home » Resources » How to Choose a Rehab Center

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Finding A Rehab That's Right For You

If you or someone you care about has a problem with addiction and wants to get well, maybe youโ€™ve wondered if a rehabilitation center is the answer. 

Some people choose to go to an outpatient center for care, while others choose an addiction treatment center for residential care.

If you are looking at how to choose an addiction treatment center or rehab in Thailand, we invite you to consider Miracles Asia, and one of our comprehensive residential programs that include a further 60 days of outpatient care for all guests. 

Since opening in 2017, Miracles Asia has helped guests from all over the world that have struggled with addiction - and we're proud to say that more than 85% of our long-term guests remain in active recovery.

When choosing an addiction treatment center itโ€™s important to understand that the long-term nature of addiction makes it a major health and social concern that needs to be addressed from a therapeutic perspective, and that you will receive the most appropriate care. 

At Miracles Asia, we believe we can provide the best level therapeutic care and support for those suffering from addiction to alcohol, drugs and compulsive behaviors. 

Of course, it is important that each guest does their homework on the facilities, and make sure its going to provide the best outcome for their own individual situation.

10 Questions a good Treatment Centre Will Ask you

Once you know youโ€™re talking to a representative at an addiction treatment center, itโ€™s important that they assess your health and life circumstances. 

A reputable facility will establish things such as:
The degree of your substance use disorder, or compulsive behavior.
Whether you have physical health problems.
If you have any current or past mental health issues.
If you have any legal issues.
How you will be funding the treatment program
Your family situation โ€“ whether you have family responsibilities, or relationship issues.
If you have any special dietary needs.
Your transportation needs. (Miracles Asia has traveled as far as Portugal to assist a guest with their travel obstacles. A pickup service is available in certain circumstances).
Any medication requirements you have, including prescription details.
If you've had an past treatment for addiction and/or a detox history.

Questions You Should Ask

Once you know youโ€™re talking to a representative at an addiction treatment center, itโ€™s important that they assess your health and life circumstances. 

Any reputable facility will establish things such as:
How long has the facility been in operation?
What is the programs success rate?
Do they keep in touch with past guests, and if so, for how long?
How many guests do they treatment at any one time?
Do they have a gym or fitness facilties available?
Are there activities available outside the treatment center (sightseeing, meetings, shopping, etc)?
Are there reputable hospitals close by in case of emergency?
Are guests able to purchase additional services such as massages, salons, etc?
Is the facility licenced and accredited to provide the treatment being offered?
What kinds of evidence-based treatments do they use?
What kind of psychotherapy is used?
What medications are used to treat specific substance-use disorders during a detox phase?
Do guests receive a personalized treatment plan?
Donโ€™t be afraid to let the treatment center know about your specific needs, and ask how they would manage them. Make sure the facility is able to cater for your particular needs, and that they have experience treating people whose age and life circumstances are similar to yours.

There is a wide range of treatment options for addiction, and it's important that you have a strong connection with the service providers, so you trust them completely. 

While you are considering these options, and working out whether you need a residential rehab program, you may also like to speak with your primary healthcare provider, such as your local doctor, to determine if you would benefit from specialist treatment.

Itโ€™s important that you are able to make a well-informed decision. An addiction specialist will be able to recommend a program that matches your needs, or maybe you know someone whoโ€™s been through an addiction rehab and knows what to look for.

Make A List Of Your Treatment Goals

Itโ€™s important to choose a rehab facility that will help you achieve your goals. Before you decide which rehab is right for you, you need to understand what your treatment goals are.

Some examples of what some guests have asked us about prior to their arrival include:


Thereโ€™s lots to consider when choosing an addiction treatment center. Nearby facilities can be more convenient, however, going to a treatment center far away could be highly advantageous.

The distance provided can provide a complete break for the addict from their former life, especially from toxic relationships, and routines where drinking and drug use are encouraged.

Program Focus & Delivery Methods

It takes courage to admit you have a problem that you can't solve on your own, and making sure that that facility offers the right kind of treatment for you is a major factor in how successful your recovery will be.

Even more importantly, you want to make sure the rehab in Thailand that you choose is focused on your health and long term recovery, not that they are getting you admitted so you become another number for their monthly reports.

Your decision should also be based on the severity of your problem, as well as any underlying issues that trigger your substance use. This is important so that when you are discharged you will be confident and comfortable with situations as they arise.

Start Your Recovery in Phuket, Thailand

Ready to Experience the Miracles Asia Difference?

Our team of addiction experts will make getting the help you need as seamless as possible. Call us today, or enter your details below to begin your path to a long-lasting and successful recovery.

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